Another Opportunity!

St Mary’s International School is looking for a qualified full time assistant nurse to work along with Zahia Aratani.

The person should be a registered nurse who has experience working at schools. The applicant should be fluent in English.  Japanese language spoken would be a plus.

If you are interested please send your resume to Zahia ASAP at

And Another Job Opportunity!

Full-time School Nurse Job Opening at St. Mary’s International School. (There will be 2 nurses to share the job responsibilities)

If you are interested please contact Mr Shimomura as soon as possible:

Koji Shimomura

Business Manager

St. Mary’s International School

1-6-19 Seta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo  158-8668

Tel: +81-3-3709-3411  Fax: +81-3-3707-1950

“Nurturing, Challenging and Connecting All Hearts and Minds”

“Giving Back to Your Community”

December 1, Wednesday, 7 pm — 8 pm (JST)

            (Zoom room may stay open later for social time.)

Presented on Zoom by: Rhonda Tezuka, RN, FNAJ Member

Come hear Rhonda’s experiences volunteering with the 2020 Olympics, held in 2021,  and with the Red Cross in Japan.  A keen observer with a generous heart for the community, she is sure to inform and amuse us.

We look forward to hearing your COVID stories as well, and to just catching up with one another informally before the end of the year.  

To receive Zoom link: please respond to Ann,, to let us know you will attend.  

“Eating Disorders in Students: A Dietitian’s Perspective”

May 15, Saturday, 10 am (Japan time)

Presented on Zoom by: Stephanie Wilson – MS, RD – Clinical Dietitian

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental disorders. Girls by the age of 6 begin to express concerns about their body weight and shape. Stephanie Wilson, a clinical dietitian specializing in eating disorders, will present an overview of what specific eating disorders exist, nutrition therapy to support the body and specific tips in how to notice disordered eating behavior and how to address it with students.

Stephanie works in Denver at Eating Recovery Center an inpatient and residential eating disorder facility, specializing in child and adolescents using the model of Family Based Treatment to help guide recovery. 

To receive Zoom link: please respond to Ann,, to let us know you will attend. 

TELL Program: April 10-11, 2021

March is suicide awareness month in Japan, a time when suicides typically spike due to the stressors associated with the end of the financial year and the start of the academic year. However, 2020 saw a very different picture, with changes in the number, ages and genders of those who sadly lost their lives to suicide. For the first time in over ten years, the number of suicides in Japan rose, with 20919 lives lost in 2020. Moreover, the suicide rate declined in March as the initial lockdown began. From May onwards, women aged 40 or younger began to take their lives in more significant numbers than men, with males aged 30 or younger feeling the impact later in the year. For both genders, unemployment was one of the biggest risk factors, with more women than men losing their jobs due to the pandemic. Additionally, women bore the brunt of caregiving responsibilities and faced greater safety issues between being front line workers and with domestic violence increases. May also saw the start of a string of celebrity suicides with an increase in women of a similar age group taking their lives following each death. The pandemic has again highlighted Japan’s gender gap in pay and gender inequalities. But more importantly, as increasing evidence comes to light, women’s mental health is disproportionately affected by the pandemic, and it is costing lives. The recent 2020 Global Gender Gap Report, which ranks Japan 121 out of 153 countries, along with the former Olympic Committee president’s comments about women talking too much, highlights Japan’s need to address these disparities urgently. March 8th is International Women’s Day, and TELL is focusing on these issues to help lead the movement for change. Perhaps in 2021, it is more important than ever to raise awareness of mental health and gender inequality issues in Japan. This year the theme of International Women’s Day is Let’s Choose to Challenge. All this month, TELL will be shining a spotlight on successful women in our society, as well as how to recognise and support someone who may be struggling with a mental health issue.

On April 10th and 11th, we will be holding a conference on Covid-19 Mental Health Disparities: Pursuing Equality in Japan. The first day will focus on a number of critical issues and the second day on training for mental health professionals. 

On day 1, TELL will bring together women from a wide range of racial, ethnic, and generational backgrounds to speak about the impact of COVID-19. We are thrilled to have Dr. Andrijana Cvetkovik, former Macedonian Ambassador, as the conference keynote speaker. With a strong history of paving the way for female representation on company, government organization, and education boards, Dr. Cvetkovik is on the front lines of Japan’s transition to a more gender balanced society. 

Day 2 TELL Clinical Director Billy Cleary, together with Miho Takai, will be certifying professionals in Emotionally Focused Therapy. This training will increase the number of therapists that can counsel couples on their journey to better communication, the foundation of a successful relationship. We hope you will join us as we celebrate women’s achievements, shine a spotlight on issues of mental health and gender inequality, and discuss ways to support and encourage women around us to thrive. From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge the status quo and strive for an inclusive society in Japan, free from suicides and gender discrimination. Click Here to Buy Tickets

“Introduction to Mindfulness”

We hope everyone has seen a good start to the new year.  Although the COVID crisis is still with us, the coming vaccines bring renewed hope.  It would be lovely if we can have an in-person FNAJ meeting later this year.

Meanwhile, we are very excited to announce our very first online event! 

Etsuko Tomlinson, Mindful Schools Certified Mindfulness Instructor, RN and FNAJ member, will present for us:

Introduction to Mindfulness

1) What is Mindfulness?

2) Human brain and Mindfulness

3) Human history and Mindfulness,

4) Benefits of Mindfulness

5) Impulse control and Mindfulness

6) Resilience and Mindfulness

7) Simple practice

February 17 (Wednesday) from 7 pm

NOTE: In order not to disturb the program, we will “lock the door” on Zoom at 7:10

Registration deadline: February 12.  RSVP to Ann,

NOTE: Participation will be limited to 10 people or so in order to maintain focus

Online via Zoom: link to be sent on February 16 to those who register

NOTE:  The program will be “live” and recording is forbidden

“Etsuko’s medical experience has given her great insight into the brain strengthening characteristics of mindfulness and also connection between body and mind.”

Read about Etsuko and her important work here:  

Certified Instructor Directory @ Mindfulschools

We hope to see you on the 17th!

May 2020 Event Cancellation

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we regret to announce that the FNAJ meeting planned for May 30 has also been canceled.  Our next event will hopefully be in the fall, date to be decided when Tokyo Women’s Plaza is able to accept September/October reservations.

Please look only to reliable sources of information about the coronavirus, such as the CDC and WHO.  Links to these and frequently updated community resources in Japan are found on the TELL website:

Also see TELL’s homepage ( or visit TELL on Facebook for hours of Lifeline support, by phone or Chat service.

Nurses might also like to see a valuable collection of professional information:

Although socially distant, we remain close to you in heart.
